World War III: Russia sends strong warnings to US and the West

The United States of America have been warned by Russia against allowing Ukraine to carry out missile strikes into Russia as it may lead to further aggravation of the situation.

Russian president Vladimir Putin noted that there would be response from Russian Federation towards an attack.

The remarks came amid encouragement towards Western arms suppliers to use their weapon systems to conduct strikes within the Russian territory buttressed by the Ukrainian economy.

Nonetheless the Russian federation, in a statement, warned the US and other western countries about the possibility of escalating confrontation and its consequences because it could spread beyond the European continent.

h Yemen for long could discourage invasion by letting everybody assume there are grounds for nn to accommodate more aggressors in the war.” Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the West wish is to belly the Ukraine War, cautioning that helping Ukrainians requests to relax the restrictions on the use of foreign weapons will lead to asking for trouble according to RT.

The American way of thinking is the way of a master lying on the other coast absolutely confident that no one is going to touch him and vile work will be done by others. He is clearly hoping that other people, particularly Europeans and not only Ukrainians, will die for him.

“We are now putting it beyond any doubt once again that this is a child play just having toys in the hands of children who play fire without understanding that they are dangerous uncles and aunties that can get in other Western country with nuclear arsenals”

Culled from NigeriaNeye

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